Nail Grinder Recommendation


New member
Nov 28, 2017
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Can someone recommend a good nail grinder they use on their fur kids? I've never had much luck using traditional clippers on Benny's nails...I've had some "cut into the quick" incidents and now I'm extremely reluctant to do it on my own. I end up taking him to Petco once a month for his nails. Now that I have a second pup, I'd like to have it be a little more affordable and I've heard grinding the nails are a safer and more reliable option. Is there a difference in grinders and how often should I be tending to the nails? My pups go on 2-3 walks per day on concrete side walks around my neighborhood.
I bought the Conair Pro. It works really well for me with the medium grit bit. Fast and easy.
I try to check Gus' every 7-10 days.