Pink Skin Under White Hair


New member
Mar 6, 2018
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Hi there!
I am about to own a white frenchie girl. I am a bit concerned however after seeing some pictures of other white frenchies
and their pink skin really stands out. I don't think it looks that great. I know its more of a cosmetic issue but is there a way to hide this? Perhaps ensure the puppy has
lots of vitamins for her coat so it's thick? She is so very young right now but she has pink skin. Does anyone know if this will fade or get darker?

Appreciate any feedback and I apologize if this is a poorly created post (first time)

Thank you.28423675_805724729632750_7186469420906790347_o.jpg
This is normal and do not think there is any way to change it

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I'm no expert but that pup looks normal to me. Also..SOOO adorable! OMG.
It will fade and darken as they get older.
Thanks for the reply! Yeah after seeing some pictures of white bulldogs I was concerned
some of them were so pink due to an allergic reaction? So wanted to know what is "normal"

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Thanks :)
Uh ok? From what I read having pink skin when they are older could indicate an allergic reaction.
So I wanted to know what is normal and if all white frenchies pink skin shows through.
She looks very normal to me. You'll get to know what her "normal" is, as you get to know her, so if she has any allergy issues later in life, I think you'd know the difference. Plus, there would almost certainly be other signs - scratching, hives, yeasty smell, etc.