Changing puppy food


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Nov 16, 2013
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The breeder we are getting our dog from is currently feeding him royal canin bulldog and she says he's doing fine on it. Royal canin from what I've read seems to be a lower tier food. What do you all think I should do? Keep in mind he's 9 weeks old. Should I keep him on it or switch ASAP? What protein percentage is to high for a frenchie? Thanks so much.
I feed my baby Fromm Puppy and she loves it!
I would keep him on it for a little while till he gets used to his new home before changing food. Then if you want to change you con. We feed our pups FROMM Puppy Gold in the pink bag until they are about 7 months old, then switch them to FROMM 4 star grain free adult food.
I agree with [MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION]. Leave his food alone until he has adjusted to life away from his litter mates and with you. Our Buster came to us eating Canidae and did excellent on it. It is a lower protein food. A couple of months ago I switched him to NVI Ltd. Ingredient Turkey because that is what his food allergic "brother" has to eat.
I hear you on the food question. I had to switch Ollie like 4 times when we got him. He was on the RAW diet which I don't like and his tummy didn't either, then we found he had bacteria infectioons in his tummy so vet put him on Hills WD which he immediately started breaking out and itching constantly! Then we switched to Nutro Ultra which he threw I finally landed on Blue Buffalo Freedom Puppy which is grain free and he loves it. I put our EB on the Blue Buffalo Wilderness Salmon and Chicken and they love that. Both foods are grain free and high in protein. We will switch Ollie over to the Wilderness Salmon once he hits about 8 months. Also be careful on how MUCH you feed. Most everyone is feeding about 1.5 cups total per day to the puppies and maybe one cup for the older boys? Whatever it takes to keep them healthy. The frenchies should not be overweight as it's very bad on their backs.