Crate Training Puppy - Moving Crate to Bedroom at Night?


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Jul 9, 2018
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We will be pickup up Boden this Friday at 8.5 weeks old (our first frenchie). He will be joining our family that consists of myself, my wife, our two kids (8 and 10) and Darwin, our 6 year old white lab. We have always crate trained our dogs, but this will be the first time that we will have two dogs at once. In the past we have kept the crate in our dining room on the ground floor, but we are considering moving the crate upstairs to our bedroom at night for Boden. Has anyone else done the same? Our thinking is that with Darwin sleeping in our room, there might be more chance of Boden feeling abandoned if he's downstairs by himself. Any feedback is appreciated.


We just added a new pup to the family on Saturday. She has been sleeping in our room and our other dog doesn't seem to care at all (he sleeps in a gated area off of our kitchen). Does your other dog have free reign of the house at night or crated?
Frenchies tend to be velcro dogs and will want to be with their humans so crating in the bedroom might be the way to go. Just know that he might whine a little at first but as long as you're consistent, he should settle right in.
We've always had the dogs' crates in our bedroom at night.
Thanks for the quick feedback! Our lab has a bed right next to ours, and I'm thinking Boden's crate would potentially go next to that.
Frenchies tend to be velcro dogs and will want to be with their humans so crating in the bedroom might be the way to go. Just know that he might whine a little at first but as long as you're consistent, he should settle right in.

Agreed! We did this with Cheli when we first got him ... and it worked well, till I gave in :) and he moved into our bed
My 7 year old Boxer sleeps in bed with us (always has) and our Frenchie sleeps in a crate right next to our bed. Recently I was considering moving her into bed with us as well, but she loves her crate and runs right in it at bedtime. I would move crate into your bedroom. Good luck!