FAQ: Do you use Coconut Oil?


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Apr 6, 2013
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Do you supplement with Coconut oil? What are the benefits you have seen? What kind should we look for?

Here is a little snippet about coconut oil benefits by the awesome Dr. Becker!

great info.... i do not use it, but this is good to know
Don't use it. Never tried it. Maybe in the future.
Hudson gets it a few times a week. He absolutely loves it.

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I started using it a few months ago. I also like using it on dry noses because I can put plenty on there and really rub it in good. Little tiny pieces of nose hyper keratosis come off (the dry scaly part) when I rub it on and their nose starts looking smooth again after a couple of weeks. It also makes their coats even more sleek and shiny!
Jax gets a teaspoon 3 times a week in his food.
I've never tried it, might get some in the future and try it.
I have been adding a 1/2 teaspoon a day to Rosie's Fromm puppy food. She absolutely loves it and her coat is soo soft. She is not quiet 10 lbs. yet to give her a full teaspoon.
add coconut oil to the shopping list - honey do list
Yup we use it and its awesome ;)
Its also good for humans :)
we use it for cooking and also dry hands on cooler days.
Yes! Valentina gets a teaspoon with her dinner every evening. She's been getting it since I first got her so I'm not sure of the incremental benefits but friends of mine with Frenchies swear by it. They have 2 who both had skin issues and the coconut oil was the only thing to help.
yes I use it on my 2 frenchies and my chi :) I put 1/2 teaspoon in their food per day and I warm some up in my hands for and rub it on noses or through their fur they smell yum makes coat soft and shiny.
I 100% use coconut oil on my Rico, both internally and topically. It has great benefits for dogs and humans. I use it on his dry nose and rub a small amount throughout his coat, paws, wrinkles and outter ears after his monthly baths and he gets a teaspoon in his food daily. I get the big tub from Costco and get the Kirkland brand. It’s coldpressed, organic and virgin which is all very important to look for in a quality coconut oil.