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Greetings from chester


New member
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hello every one my frenchie and I live in Panama, and I dont know how to set up a profile picture,

can anyone please explaing to me how to set this up
Hello every one my frenchie and I live in Panama, and I dont know how to set up a profile picture,

can anyone please explaing to me how to set this up

Welcome Chester! Sure thing, just click Settings at the top or click on my account and edit profile.

Once there look for "Edit Avatar" that is what shows in your posts. "Edit profile Picture" will be the pic in your profile.
Hello and welcome!! Glad you joined! If you scroll up to the top you will see "settings" on your right, click that and if you scroll down a bit you will see "My profile" on the left, under that you will see "Edit Profile Picture" and "Avatar" you can add a picture to each, your avatar is the picture you will see whenever you post on the forum and the profile picture is the picture people will see whenever they go to your profile! Hope this helps! And to add a picture to a post, above the text box you will see a little picture that has a tree in it (4 buttons to the right of the smily face) you can click that to add pictures to the threads.
Welcome to the site! Can't wait to see pics of your frenchie :)
Hello and welcome to FBN.... the gang has your covered on instrcutions so :welcome: and can't wait to see pictures
Welcome to you and Chester! I can't wait to see pictures of Chester!
Welcome to the site and so glad you joined. Can't wait to see pics of your baby.
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