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Head Tremors?


Staff member
Aug 19, 2013
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Last week at night while Jax was laying down, his head starting shaking/trembling. It didn't last long but then it happened again a couple days ago and yesterday my son said while Jax was sleeping his head was shaking. I did a search on the internet and saw that some Frenchies get head tremors. I'm still not sure the cause or if it's dangerous and I will be calling the vet this morning but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this.
There are some English Bulldogs with head tremors too. It doesn't hurt them and no one really knows the cause. Some think it a sugar level thing, but not sure. Usually if you offer them a treat, that will snap them out of it.
As David stated,,, they are harmless. Be sure he is responding to you and offer a treat to distract the mucsles. They are common in a few breeds, bullies being one and there is no solid reason for why they happen, but many theroies.
When my bulldog gets a head tremor, I try to get him to focus on something else, like go outside or give him ice cream.
The other day he had one, so he quickly focused on the ice cream he was going to get & it stopped. His start for no reason & he can go months until he has another.
I've never heard of this. I'd be interested in hearing what your vet has to say. Glad it doesn't seem to be a health issue.
Yep they can happen at times of stress too, could be blood sugar, so many theories. Many people I've met have had them and many times they come in strong and go away completely, other times they happen randomly with no reason. I've only ever had one and even though I knew what it was it freaked me out! Luckily I had a cup of ice nearby and they stopped with an ice cube. It was on our way home from a surgery so I think it was just stress or dehydration.

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