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Hello from Pickle in PA!


New member
Aug 6, 2013
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My name is Kate and I'm a first time Frenchie owner. Miss Pickle is a honey-pied little girl, about 5 months old now (how time flies!). She has a big Border Collie mutt brother who's teaching her the ropes, but I wanted to come here and learn a bit more about this very quirky breed!

Pickle Belly.webpPickle Under Patton.webpSun Pickle.webp
Oh my gawd too much cuteness!!!! Welcome to FBN!!!

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She is beautiful!!!

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Wow she is really cute! Her and your adorable Collie mix are so cute together and they seem to be really close! Welcome to FBN!!
Welcome Kate, Pickle and Patton! Your pictures are darling, and Patton looks like an excellent big brother! Is he protective of little sister?
Welcome to the site ans Miss Pickle is just too cute and I love her name. Looking forward in watching her grow up.
OH MY CUTENESS.... she is precious!! Love her sweet little face.... The picture of her 'hiding' under patton is adorable
Hi there Katie,Pickle, and Patton Welcome to FBN!
Those pictures are great, I didn't notice that Pickle was under Patton until I read 2bullymama's comment, such a great shot. Can't wait to hear your stories and see more pics.
Awww, Pickle! Welcome to FBN, what a cute frenchie :)
Thanks for the warm welcome! Patton and Pickle are getting along wonderfully. He's not aggressively protective of her, but does like to stand in between her and any othe dog. I'm not sure if it's him being protective or just liking to be the center of attention all the time!
What a sweet little girl and big brother looks like he doesn't mind at all!
Both of your babies are adorable! What a sweet big brother :)