LOL - So many people go into the group training classes expecting their dogs to come out better behaved. I always started my group classes with this:
"If you are here to train your dog, please be advised the hour that you are here each week your dog will "NOT" learn anything. He will be too distracted to really learn anything. The best advise I can give all of you is to listen to my instruction so you know HOW to train your dog at home. The real learning comes in during the one on one sessions at home that you need to do daily. Preferrably a couple times a day especially if they are puppies. Puppies have very SHORT attention spans so limit training sessions to 5 to 10 mins 2 to 3 times a day. Have them sit for food. Practice with them in the house in the yard, bedrooms. All over the place so they learn to listen in different areas. Once your dog can do the commands well at home, THEN you can begin to train wth distractions like this environment.
So my advise, private training is a great option. BUT if you have already been through the group classes, you really should have all the info you need to train Jax yourself. It's all about patience and persistance. You have to be persistent and consistent. If it's no jumping up on people, then it have to be no jumping on people all the time and each time he does it you have correct the behavior. Remember that praise is just as important as correction. They need to know what is ok and what is not and you want them to work for the good praise, not the negative.
NOW - how well is my dog trained? LOL Umm the good ol saying it true the trainer is probably worse than the students in the classes. My boy is S P O I L E D!!!!!! I have not done any real standard obedience training with him. I have only done behavior training with him so far. He knows when it's time to stop playing, he knows sit for his food. He does not pull on the leash he walks behind me so heal isn't an issue. My big thing is working on not chasing him when he has something I don't want him to have. I need to keep some pieces of his food in the kitchen so when he gets something I can show him the treat and exchange the food for the thing he has that he's not suppose to have. Getting into the chase game is difficult because he's always getting stuff and he's like GREASE LIGHTING. LOL
IF you have questions and you want to save yourself some money - feel free to private message me or post a thread on here. I'm on here every day and I can answer any questions you have about training Jax.

Happy to help.