Howdy from Texas!


New member
Nov 6, 2013
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Okay, I really don't say "howdy", but I thought it was cute. I live in West Texas and have purchased my first Frenchie from a breeder in another state. Our lil bundle of joy will not arrive until next week, so I plan on doing lots of reading on here in the meantime.

Talk to you all soon!
That's exciting! Do you have pictures to show us of your soon to be frenchie? :) We love photos!
:hiya: :welcome3: to FBN,..... so hapy you found us! Congrats on your new little girls, look forward to pictures
I have added one to my avatar. She is a cream with a white stripe and some white on her toes. Her nose is not solid black; that is why I think I like her so much. She is super fat and looks like a little hippo in all her pics. I will try to upload some.
Oh my goodness, love those chubby little frenchie pups! She is a doll :heart:
Oh how exciting!!! She is adorable. I bet you can hardly contain yourself. I know I would be hard to be around, driving everyone crazy with my excitement.
Thank you for the warm welcome! We are super excited to get her here to Texas.

We are having trouble coming up with a name...any suggestions?
Hey Ya'll from Michelle and Leo in NC! :welcome4: to the site! It's a great place to get information and everyone is so friendly and helpful! I love it here! Ivy is a cute name too! Shis a cute little doll!
Thank you for the warm welcome! We are super excited to get her here to Texas.

We are having trouble coming up with a name...any suggestions?

I had a huge long list of girls' names in my Frenchie notebook, but it's at home. :( I ended up with my little guy, so didn't use any of them obviously! :)
Welcome to the site and your soon to be baby is just too cute. I bet you can't wait to get her.
I have added one to my avatar. She is a cream with a white stripe and some white on her toes. Her nose is not solid black; that is why I think I like her so much. She is super fat and looks like a little hippo in all her pics. I will try to upload some.

Welcome! I love that you referred to her as a little hippo. My Jax is a little fatty too and I call him my little piglet.
She is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love naming.....some ideas are
maybe look up French names with your favorite meaning
Welcome, her baby is adorable.
I use to live in Central Texas which as you know is hours away from West Texas.

How exciting!!! Glad you joined us!
Aww, what a precious baby! Congratulations! welcome welcome welcome :D