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I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! ~Jesse~French Bulldog Available for Adoption in Florida


Apr 23, 2013
Reaction score

Location: Central Florida
Age: 8
Sex: spayed female
Weight: 26 lbs
Kids: yes, calm, older kids
Cats: no
Dogs: yes, older, laid-back
Fenced Yard: no preference
Adoption Fee: $250

Jessie was found wandering the streets of Florida with her son, Jerry. When the pair first entered FBRN, we thought that we would adopt them out together. After observing the relationship between them, however, Foster Mom has come to the conclusion that they would both benefit from going to separate loving homes. Little Jessie seems to have spent a great deal of time fretting over and protecting her grown offspring. Now it’s time for someone to take care of her for a change! Jessie is a lovely, devoted little dog, and deserves to be the apple of someone's eye.

She is quite healthy for an 8-year-old Frenchie. She has a few broken teeth and some scar tissue in her ears from past infections. Her ears should be closely monitored and kept nice and clean. Like those of most dogs Jessie's age, her eyes are a little cloudy. She occasionally suffers from dry eye, which is remedied with ointment. She needs to relieve herself every 2-4 hours, and usually lets you know when it's time for a potty break by going to the door. She will go outside by herself if she has access to an open door or a doggy door. For this reason, a home with a fenced yard and a doggy door for Jessie to use while her person is at home would be ideal, but any living situation that could accommodate her potty schedule would be fine. Her vet has suggested that there is a possibility that mild IBS is behind her need to eliminate more often than most.

Jessie could probably coexist with an older, mellow, male dog, but she is most likely to flourish as an only dog. She is not particularly interested in playing with other dogs, does not draw emotional support from them, and has displayed some food aggression. She has not been exposed to cats in her foster home, so she will not be placed in a home with kitties.

People, on the other hand, are her passion, and she becomes distressed when separated from them. Jessie would love nothing more than to have a stay-at-home person whom she could follow around all day and then snuggle with in bed at night. Taking her to the office every day could also be an option as long as her need for frequent potty breaks is met. Jessie is not a big fan of crates, and would much rather curl up beside you and nap, or chew on a bone or antler to her heart's content

Wanna adopt?

Please visit the French Bulldog Rescue Network's website and fill out an application. Click the Frenchie you are wanting to adopt, and you will find an "Apply For Me" button on their information. Please be sure to read their adoption process. Here is the link:


To view more Frenchies from FBRN, follow this link:


Please let them know you found them on French Bulldog News! :)
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