My Frenchie is going to be the death of me.


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Dec 23, 2018
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I don’t care what I do, Gunnar will not listen, mind, stop biting, tearing the house down around my ears. I have always had Boxers in the past and they can certainly be a handful. But I was able to train them. Even the trainer I had down wasn’t happy with Gunnar. He wanted to use a force technique so I sent him on his way.

I can’t get rid of him but I can’t live with the havoc he is causing. I am just in tears!!!

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Sorry posted in the wrong area

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How old is Gunnar?

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That sounds tough! Wally is a handful too but I was able to train him to behave in the house at least. It did help to have an older dog who showed him the ropes. Maybe you need a better trainer who's more experienced with a bulldog breed, or even specifically a Frenchie trainer.
That sounds tough! Wally is a handful too but I was able to train him to behave in the house at least. It did help to have an older dog who showed him the ropes. Maybe you need a better trainer who's more experienced with a bulldog breed, or even specifically a Frenchie trainer.

Louie is a nut. I guess Jax didn't train him very well :LMAO:
Hang in there. Puppies are tough! It has been a long time since I have had a puppy (10 years), and I currently have a puppy probably similar in age to Gunnar (5 1/2 months). There are definitely up and down days, and days he seems to forget everything I have taught him, but I know it will eventually work out. You are doing things the right way, just keep working with him. One of these days, you will look back fondly at his hellion puppy days.
HI, I'm really sorry you are experiencing such a stressful time right now. Are you able to answer a few questions/give a bit more details so we can offer more tailored advice? I do think it is a GREAT thing that your gut told you to dismiss the trainer that came to observe your Frenchie. I too am a Boxer lover, and am on my sixth one, who will be 8 next month and is no walk-in-the-park most days, but he was NOTHING compared to my Frenchie when I first brought her home. Peed everywhere and on everything, and even swung from my Boxer's jowls for a few weeks causing him pain and drawing blood. It was a nightmarish few weeks, but she is such a lovely cuddly companion and I am thrilled I stuck with it (not that I ever considered giving up). Here's some info I'd love to know if you have time:
1. How old is Gunnar?
2. Is Gunnar "play biting?" Nipping and such?
3. Can you give a couple examples of the havoc he is wreaking on your home? Chewing up items? Is he crated when alone? Do you suspect separation anxiety?

I truly hear the despair in your post and would love to offer up some advice or tips, but please give a bit more information as to specifically what he is doing and anything you have tried for correction but has not worked.

Hang in there!!
Gunnar is seven months old. He snips at toes, clothes, hands, faces. I try to distract him but he becomes hyper focused and won’t stop.

He is eating furniture, doors, TP is the worst. I keep the doors closed but he will head butt anything to get it open. I have had to add metal clip locks to his kennel because he is Houdini.

I am at a loss. I play with him, plenty of puzzle toys, bones. I am his biggest toy.

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Gunnar is seven months old. He snips at toes, clothes, hands, faces. I try to distract him but he becomes hyper focused and won’t stop.

He is eating furniture, doors, TP is the worst. I keep the doors closed but he will head butt anything to get it open. I have had to add metal clip locks to his kennel because he is Houdini.

I am at a loss. I play with him, plenty of puzzle toys, bones. I am his biggest toy.

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He needs basic structure training... do you use ‘nothing in life is free’? Frenchie are very stubborn and you’ll need a lot of patience with him. Schedule , consistent and structure will help

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Just sounds like a rowdy teenager. Stay firm and consistent. This too shall pass.
This will pass..don't give up! I went through the same thing. Yuki is 4 years old now and sooo worth every minute of his crazy hyper days. He still has his moments but nothing like when he was a young pup. Stay patient and I agree with [MENTION=179]Tgirl[/MENTION] "firm and consistent". I started leash training and walking Yuki in my yard when he was very young so that would tire him out and he would have less energy to wreak havoc. Good luck!