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My puppy hates going outside


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Nov 22, 2013
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so, I've had my Frenchie puppy for 5 days now and am trying to toilet train her. I know this takes time and patience but I have a small problem in that whenever I see her wanting the toilet I call her outside, she gets to the door and then turns around runs away and will wee somewhere else.

I didn't know whether to just pick her up and take her outside while we're in the early stages or if that will just be pointless as she won't know where the door to outside is?

The only thing that works is to hold a treat in front of her and lead her outside with it... is that ok?

also, she knows that once she wees we can come in so she will force out a tiny bit of wee to get back in... the longer I stay out with her the more tiny forced out wees she will do but we can still go inside and she'll do a normal wee 10 minutes later on the floor!?
My opinion is that you should pick her up and bring her outside until she gets the hang of it. I live in a split level house so when were potty training Jax, we would pick him up and carry him down the stairs and out the front door. Then one day he just went to the top of the stairs and that is now what he does when he needs to go out. I don't think carrying them outside does any harm or causes confusion. Just make sure you are consistent with taking her out. Also reward her every time she goes to the bathroom outside (treats, praise) until she gets the hang of it.
Good advice from [MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION]. I'd pick her up, also. Obviously she is holding back once she is outside, so kick a ball, play fetch, or go for a walk, something she enjoys until she can't hold it any longer and goes. Then praise, treats, etc.
ok I will do that then :) better than having accidents. I've started to give her the treat outside and she seems to be doing larger wees outside now so making a little progress.
so, I've had my Frenchie puppy for 5 days now and am trying to toilet train her. I know this takes time and patience but I have a small problem in that whenever I see her wanting the toilet I call her outside, she gets to the door and then turns around runs away and will wee somewhere else.

I didn't know whether to just pick her up and take her outside while we're in the early stages or if that will just be pointless as she won't know where the door to outside is?

The only thing that works is to hold a treat in front of her and lead her outside with it... is that ok?

also, she knows that once she wees we can come in so she will force out a tiny bit of wee to get back in... the longer I stay out with her the more tiny forced out wees she will do but we can still go inside and she'll do a normal wee 10 minutes later on the floor!?
I consider myself an expert potty trainer. A puppy should always be "Taxied" to it's area. Invest in a puppy run for outside. It should cost about $100 from Petco and is worth every penny. The area is large enough for the pup to pick a spot but not so large to give it space to take its time and get confused. When they go #1 or #2 pick a name for it (we call peepee a good boy and a poopoo a big boy) and praise them with the name of the duty they performed and immediately pick them up after they are done and fuss with them and carry them inside. At the door the fussing stops. They are not allowed to play in the pen, it's for business only. My dog was taxied until I couldn't carry him any longer because he weighed too much. They need to be taken out often when they are young because they can't hold it. In the beginning my pups are taken out every 20-30 mins and immediately upon waking and after playing hard. As they get older they have some control so you lengthen the time between potty breaks. If they are crated at night they won't soil the area where they lay. My French Bulldog was trained at 5 months. He never #2ed in the house ever but did #1 maybe 4 or 5 times and never on the tile of course, always on a throw rug that he mistook for the papers his birth home used. They are extremely smart and one of the easiest dogs I have ever trained. The taxi process and stopping the fuss over the good event at the door are important. Unfortunately until they are potty trained they shouldn't be let out to play because going outside needs to connect with the act of a potty break and nothing else. As far as your dog not knowing where the door is if he's carried that's false. He'll know for sure, mine sits at the door and asks to go out and has done this since we stopped taxiing him. Best wishes!!
Great info above, there is nothing wrong with picking her up and taking her outside. She will eventually get it. Just be patient and consistent, plus plenty of praise.
She's actually getting better already... she was left alone for a short time this morning and instead of peeing or pooing wherever she wanted she did it by the back door so next time will leave the door open for her and see if she takes herself out :) Thanks everyone.
Great advice everyone. I see no problem when they are little in picking her up and bringing her outside. When we first brought Marg home we had to bring her up and down the stairs to go outside, because her breeder warned us that young puppies shouldnt do steps and such alone until they were older.
Good luck with potty training! We are still reinforcing potty training with Marg and she is 8 months old... She is the hardest dog I have ever potty trained, but it is a work in progress and accidents are few and far in between. The issue we are having is she does not alert us to when she has to go outside, so sometimes if its an emergency and Im not paying close attention she will just run into one of the bedrooms and pee/poop on the carpet (of course on the carpet because she refuses to go on the hard floor)....
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