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Need Advice on potty training a puppy .....


Aug 21, 2013
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When we both work 8 hours a day (I can come home for a mid-day break). Is this even possible. Unfortunately, I am not able to stay home from work or work from home (although that would be great!).... Does anyone have any advice or comments on how to potty train a new puppy when we're not home during the day?

I would say a crate but keep in mind that small pups sometimes have to go very often. Have you thought about a doggie daycare? I don't know how that works though or if they help with potty training. Pup would probably have to be older and fully vaccinated though.
It sounds to me that you'll need to train your baby go go on potty pads until he/she is old enough to hold it for 4 or 5 hrs. I'd get a large size wire crate and put the bed & a couple of nylabones to chew on along with a water bowl in half of the crate and a potty pad in the other half. On weekends you can work with your baby by taking him/her out frequently and praising when they go outside. Your puppy will sniff the ground (floor) when looking for that special place to go. When your puppy starts chewing, shredding the potty pads it is time to get rid of the potty pads.
I'm not certain I want to go this route, but I was curious if it's possible at all. Either I've always been around or my parents around to potty train past pups. I just wasn't sure if it's even remotely possible to do that. If the rescue thing doesn't pan out, I have 2 options, puppy and potty train in a crate, or no Frenchie at all, which would make me sad. :( But thank you for the advice.. I thought it would be crate training involved, luckily my basement floor is cement (sealed), I just wouldn't want him/her to think going in the crate was the only option..... Oh well, more to think about! :)
I have never used puppy pads, but I think that def. could be a option.
If you eventually want puppy to go outside on the grass I know they make fake grass mats that lift up to put a potty pad beneath them. I'm not sure if that would help potty training wise but maybe the grass would appeal to him/her? Good luck!

Oh yeah, there are also products that are supposed to simulate puppy urine smell and make the dog want to go where they're applied. I tried it with my little bat-pig but she didn't seem to care. Maybe it works for some dogs though.
Hi Michelle,
both my husband and I work FT. He does have the option to work from home sometimes. We kept Gidget in a bathroom with baby gates at the door. She finally got to where she was jumping over the first one and we had to put a second above it!! We used puppy pads, her bed and several toys. My Mom does pick up my kids at school and bring them to our house, so they are there a few hours before we get home. All in all, I'd say it worked out fairly well. Gidget will be 1 year next month. She doesn't have the pads any longer, just her bed and toys. She also hasn't had an accident in the house in quite some time.
Hi Michelle,
both my husband and I work FT. He does have the option to work from home sometimes. We kept Gidget in a bathroom with baby gates at the door. She finally got to where she was jumping over the first one and we had to put a second above it!! We used puppy pads, her bed and several toys. My Mom does pick up my kids at school and bring them to our house, so they are there a few hours before we get home. All in all, I'd say it worked out fairly well. Gidget will be 1 year next month. She doesn't have the pads any longer, just her bed and toys. She also hasn't had an accident in the house in quite some time.

Hi Anne! Thank you for the tip. Did you have any problems with her chewing on wooden furniture (i.e. the vanity)?

Hi Anne! Thank you for the tip. Did you have any problems with her chewing on wooden furniture (i.e. the vanity)?


No. I am knock, knock, knocking on wood right now... She did not chew on the vanity. I did catch her chewing on the dining room table leg just the other night!!! I make sure she has a few hard, knubby things to chew on and she does go after them. She also LOVES her squeeky toys, but I find those to be more interactive play with us.
HI again Michelle, I just wanted to mention that we tried a crate a time or two and Gidget went absolutely NUTS. The bathroom with baby gate seemed a much more acceptable 'lock-up' for her. I would think those round pen things would also work, but they might get to the age that they come out of them. I don't have any experience with them.
The plastic X-pins or play pins work great. He will learn in time, just keep wprking with him and taking him out every so often, and he'll get it.
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