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Need advice

Dana M

New member
Aug 28, 2013
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Hello, I could use some advice. Jedi my deaf rescue puppy has some aggression/guarding issues. I don't know much about his background as the rescue will not answer my emails. He plays in the yard all day with my cane corso, Kali. He is fine with her out there but in the house he will sometimes lunge at her face and chase her. He is little but you can tell he means business when he does this. He usually goes after her in the kitchen where they are fed. I feed them at different times and there is no food in the bowls when this happens. I try to correct him right away but with him being deaf I can't correct with anything verbal and I have to get this attention which can take a few seconds. Thank goodness Kali just runs away from him as she is 125 pounds and could really hurt him. I am just very stressed about this whole thing and for the most part keep them apart in the house. I know it's only been two weeks since I have had him and once he sees that food and chew bones are pentifull here he may calm down. I just wanted to see if anyone has gone through this type of thing. Ps I have a call in to a good dog trainer who I worked with to get Kali her CGC a few years ago as well.

I am sure your trainer will have a lot of helpful tips! I know how stressful it can be when you bring a new dog into the mix, very seldom is it perfect from the get go. It will get better! Have you looked online for how to work with a deaf puppy? That in itself will be a challenge. Someone here might have a deaf dog & can offer help.
I am sure your trainer will have good advice. Buster is our first puppy with Frenchie genes, but I think Frenchies tend to be bossy, possessive, and very, very playful. Your description of Jedi and Kali sounds like easy going Ruggles (68 lb. EB) and Buster. Buster gets all wound up and tugs on Ruggles' jowls, snarls & growls while playing rough like he did with his littermates. When Ruggles has had enough all he has to do is snarl back and Buster pops in to the play position or rolls over into submission. With time, Kali will figure that out. Congratulations on adopting Jedi and I'm sure he will blend right into your family.
I'm hoping the trainer will be of some help with this. I don't have any experience with a deaf bully, so I am of not help. The only thing I can think of is put a leash on him when you are in the house and use it to give a sharp tug to the side to redirect him when he starts to be aggressive or charge Kali and if he looks at you then use a hand signal like no so he will seee your disapproval.
This is my second Frenchie and I am always amazed how they don't care how small they are.
My first one would play with two greyhounds and they were scared of her. The Frenchie's confidence level is high.
[MENTION=169]Cosette Girl[/MENTION] I agree, Frenchies are very self confident!
Thanks everyone!! My trainer is looking into what he thinks would work best for me with this situation. For now I have been giving Jedi his favorite treats in the kitchen and living room with Kali present. So far while giving treats to both of them he has done great!! He has not gone after her at all while doing this. My hope is that he finds he gets his favorite things while she is present so why chase he away.
Bless you for taking on a deaf Frenchie! So nice to see dogs with special needs find good homes. I also have no experience with this (other than that my Frenchie too has tons of confidence for her petite size) but am interested in hearing how your trainer is working with him.

Good idea with the treats, I'm sure everything will work out. :)
Thanks everyone!! My trainer is looking into what he thinks would work best for me with this situation. For now I have been giving Jedi his favorite treats in the kitchen and living room with Kali present. So far while giving treats to both of them he has done great!! He has not gone after her at all while doing this. My hope is that he finds he gets his favorite things while she is present so why chase he away.

Great start.... I would do the leash as David suggested and maybe try the water bottle, squirt when you disagree with behavior. Good luck and please keep us posted
Thanks everyone!! My trainer is looking into what he thinks would work best for me with this situation. For now I have been giving Jedi his favorite treats in the kitchen and living room with Kali present. So far while giving treats to both of them he has done great!! He has not gone after her at all while doing this. My hope is that he finds he gets his favorite things while she is present so why chase he away.

Good news already!

Also we have a forum for special needs, it's pretty slow still but you may find some other friendships there as well. Specialneedsbulldogs.com

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