sad day....


New member
May 11, 2013
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Our English Bulldog Otis passed away at home very sudden & fast on Wed. He was in perfect health, happy & 8 years old. He harassed Junebug daily & when she had had enough, Otis knew the look & ran for was so funny, a big goofy bulldog being pushed around by a 20 lb frenchie girl :)
We are still in shock & he has left a void in our home.
RIP Otis
Debra, I'm so sorry to hear about Otis's passing. Sending positive thoughts your way!! RIP Otis
Oh my gosh! I'm so, so sorry to hear that! My thoughts are with you! What a sweet boy!
My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry.
I lost my Frenchie, Bella, suddenly in April.

You are not alone.
RIP Otis.
I am sorry for your loss. I hope the fond memories will help soften the loss although I know only time will truly mend the hurt.
Oh Debra, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of Otis. I hope he went peacefully, big :hug: to you and all of your family.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
Debra... So very sorry for the loss of Otis, I know your pain of a sudden, unexplained loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! Rest in peace sweet Otis
He had a great life & we enjoyed every minute. Its amazing the effect he had on people, we still have people giving us there condolences.
Thank you all for the kind words, it means a lot & you all understand!
I am so sorry, Debra. R.I.P. Otis. He had a good life, wasn't sick, and lived and enjoyed life right up to the end. Bulldogs just don't live long enough. Since the 80s I have loved and lost 5 Bulldogs.
I go pick up his ashes on Tues. this will be hard. No matter how many pets you lose, it doesn't get easier. They all leave special memories :)
So sorry for your loss. Otis was a handsome bully.
You will be on my thoughts on Tuesday.
I am so sorry to hear this. Losing a dog is like losing a family member, it takes time to recover. Otis sounds like he was a great companion and knew how to make you laugh. My heart goes out to you.