She's home


New member
Aug 4, 2013
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So the breeder called yesterday and asked if we could take her early. So we went after my husband was done work! Not the best picture but more to come! She is nine weeks old and her name is Piper :)
Whoa wait a second that happened so quick!!! Congratulations mamma !!!!

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OMG she is so adorable!!!! Congratulations on your new baby. I look toward to seeong more pictures of her :)
Congrats, and your baby Piper is a cutie, and I love her name.
Thanks! I'm already in love and my kids just adore her. She's not eating and I know it's because she's nervous and in new surroundings but I'm still worried. Any suggestions?
Sorry, really no suggestions here... Eating is something we have not had a problem with for our 12 week old girl. She is a hog!

We mix wet and dry food together because she is still so young. Are you trying to feed her just wet food right now or both? Our baby can't seem to get enough of her wet food.
If she's eating a different brand that what she was eating from the breeder's home, then I would try giving her what she was eating before and start mixing in your puppy food brand gradually with the next meals. I would also consult with a vet if she's missing more than 1 meal.
She's starting to eat, I was so worried but I had to throw in
Sorry about previous post, I hit send by accident. The breeder sent me home with some food and she wasn't eating it. So i had to throw in a few pieces of the kibble I'll be feeding with the breeders food and she ate a little. The breeder feed her 3/4 of a cup twice a day and she hasn't eating 3/4 of a cup total today. Should I try adding water because I don't have any wet food?
OMG.... so, so cute!! Love this picture
How is she doing today? It must be so exciting to have a puppy in the house!! It's like having a baby. I haven't had a puppy in many many years, like almost 20.
She's eating but still not the amt the breeder was feeding her. I have an apt with the vet next Friday so I find out if shes lost any weight and voice my concerns to the vet.

So far she's been a dream dog. Only gets up once at night and has only had 3 accidents. Her crate training is also going well. She cries for maybe 3 min, I put my hand near her crate and she falls asleep. I'm totally in love!

20 years is a long time! I think it's time to add a frenchie to your house.
You're lucky, she's a smart girl! I would LOVE to add a Frenchie to my house, but right now I can't. My little terrier mix is elderly. He is blind, diabetic, and arthritic. It would be too stressful for him to get used to a new dog right now. Not to mention, he takes a lot of my time, which he deserves, but I don't have time for a new one right now. One day I will have one though. I'm not sure if I will get a puppy or an adult. There are pros and cons to both, in my mind. I guess I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
Congratulations, how exciting! Piper is such a cute pied. Can't wait to see more pictures of her as she grows up.

She is such a cute thing & I love her name!
So the breeder called yesterday and asked if we could take her early. So we went after my husband was done work! Not the best picture but more to come! She is nine weeks old and her name is Piper :)
View attachment 551

OMG! So cute!! Congrats on the new addition!
Thanks! I'm already in love and my kids just adore her. She's not eating and I know it's because she's nervous and in new surroundings but I'm still worried. Any suggestions?

How's she doing? Any news on her eating?

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She's eating a little better. She had a vet appt yesterday and he said that she looks very healthy. I told him I was concerned that she wasn't eating as much as she did with the breeder and he told me that this was normal. He said that because there was no longer competition with food from her litter mates she doesn't feel the need to eat as much and as fast. He told me not to worry because soon she'd be packing it on and will eat everything in sight. I'm such a worrywart!