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Some new pictures of my pack :)


New member
Aug 1, 2013
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I won a new hand knit baby blanket at a benefit dinner we went to... Well since we don't have children yet, Marge got a new blanket... She was happy to cuddle.

Marge hates Mondays ImageUploadedByTapatalk1395884650.226162.webp

I think I need a third arm to walk the pack... Finally one nice day this spring, everyone was happy to get outside.

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Beautiful babies!!! And I can totally relate to how Marge feels about Mondays!
So cute all snuggled up in the blanket. She looks exactly like Jax in that first picture!
Marge looks comfy in her new blanket. Enjoyed the pics of or babies, thanks for sharing.
Marge looks so cute in her new blanket, and tell her Mondays get better when you retire! The 3 butts walking is awesome! :heart:
Have to say.... peach is her color!

Great walking picture... they are in size order
Thanks everyone.... We adore her... Never knew I could love a little dog so much! Don't get me wrong, I love my big male dogs too, but I swear this little Frenchie has a special place in my heart :)

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