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Stinky Boy

I Love Louie

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Oct 13, 2013
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Hello everyone this is my first Frenchie and I know I've heard they have bad gas issues but I was wondering if there is anything to help this situation or is it something we just have to live with????
My experience with Bulldogs is they get gas from food that is too rich for them or otherwise disagrees with their digestive system. What do you feed Louie? Check with your vet, but I think it is okay to give dogs Beano.
agree with Alice.... what are you feeding Louie?
I have found that dogs just have gas....now Ollie does get worse when I feed him people food, and he gets itchy too....so I TRY to stick with his treats and his food only. Food can and does make a big difference I agree with other posters....
I agree with the others, food does make a big difference in gas. Hazel and my bullies, don't have a lot of gas, because we feed them a good quality food that agrees with them.
I feed Louie Wellness puppy food in the yellow bag. Does anyone have any experience with this food? Could it be the food?
I feed Louie Wellness puppy food in the yellow bag. Does anyone have any experience with this food? Could it be the food?

I was trying to decide between Blue Buffallo and Wellness. They are very silimiar. I chose Blue because it has the wilderness line with a higher protein for my EB. Wellness should be fine for Louie, its a good brand. Are you feeding him any treats or people food? I have foud that when I feed Ollie people food his allergies kick in and he itches a LOT more, so I have to stop it and just give his blue cookies. :(
I had tried out a new treat for Jax one time and he was beyond gassy. I stopped giving him that treat and his gas went back to normal.
I talked to my vet and he said not to switch food just yet but cut out treats and see if that helps. I was giving him fruitables for treats and really no people food except for the occasional piece of Apple or banana. I am now just giving him pieces of his kibble for treats. He poops a lot too sometimes 4 times a day not sure if it's because he's a puppy.
When we first brought math home at 10 weeks old she pooped almost 4-5 times a day. It got a lot better as she got older and we switched from feeding her 3 times a day to 2 times a day. She maybe goes 3 times a day now?

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Ollie goes 2 to 3 times a day and we feed him twice a day. Pretty normal. I usually will get an extra poop on our walks in the evening. I need to get a picture of Ollie in his new jacket. So cute!
Norm is gassy but it's usually not too bad. I feed him the brand my pet store puts out (I believe it's Fromm) I give him Charlee Bear treats( (Liver Flavor) or plain brown bones they don't make him gassy and he loves them. Every once in a while I will give him something else or I'll drop something and he eats it before I can get it and then he will get really gassy. If he does get really gassy I have treats for gas that I got at a local pet store or I give him some plain yogurt. He also has a slow bowl so he doesn't inhale his whole meal in seconds.
Hello everyone this is my first Frenchie and I know I've heard they have bad gas issues but I was wondering if there is anything to help this situation or is it something we just have to live with????
FBDs take in more air than usual cuz of the snub nose. People say to try the elevated bowls and that should help. My boy doesn't putt putt but he does burp :-)
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