Toads, Frogs and Snakes... Oh My!!


Staff member
Apr 6, 2013
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Well.... had our first SNAKE encounter last night... UGH!!!!

As you know I have a 2 year old French Bulldog named Chelios. He is cat like, if something moves he is ON it like a flash. We live on about an arce of land with about 1/4 of it still wooded with some marshland... that being said, we have lots of animal life in the yard at night... toads, frogs, bugs, bugs and more bugs, praying mantes, deer, etc, etc... nothing real dangerous - well, until last night!

Took Cheli out to go pee around 8:30-9:00, and I was focused looking for toads with the flashlight so he does not try to eat it; we have had to pull two out of his mouth this summer.... I turn to see where he is becasue he was not next to me, which he always is, and he is pawing at something on the patio. I go over with the flashlight and pull him back thinking I am going to be pulling a toad, spider or beetle out of his mouth (again) --- wrong--- SNAKE!!!!!!


He has it in his mouth... it is hanging out of his mouth!!! I just start screaming and running with him - the thing falls to the ground - I then run like I am in some type of country ho-down dance thinking I have to keep my legs/feet up cause the snake was going to try and get up my legs..... 15 seconds of H E L L I tell you..... I am screaming for Lewis, he can't hear me cause he is in the office upstairs working.... I try the intercom, NOPE not hearing me, why - no intercom in the office.

I then put Cheli on the floor... in my head, not knowing which way to go, check Cheli for a bite, get Lewis so he can get the snake out of our yard... back to Cheli, start up the steps,, stop, back to Cheli. He is OK --- up the steps I go! Yelling, Lewis or Babe the whole time!! He finally comes out of the office-- we go outside, another 10 mins of drama cause he can't pick it up - slimy , creepy snake .... finally he gets it and threw it in the woods.

I am still laughing my butt off...... by the way, our English Bulldog, Banks, was just laying on the couch during this whole ordeal. 9:30 is last potty before bed... she was like a mountain lion looking for her meal - Banks was very aware something went on outside and she wanted to know what she missed when she got out there. She found the spot where the snake was on the patio and would not stop sniffing/pawing the paver... then she found a frog! UGH!

Ick! I would freak out! I HATE snakes, but unfortunately had my own encounter with one very unfriendly rattlesnake in San Diego!!! :( I went home for lunch one day to let our Boxer girl, Candy, outside to relieve herself. We had a small "backyard" that was fenced in, so I let her out to go about her business and I turn my back to her to water some plants on the patio...... next think I hear is that god-awful rattle noise and the noise they make when they strike!!!! I turn around and yell at Candy to get over here (she came immediately), well I had no idea if she had been bit or not, she didn't yelp or anything, so off we flew to the vet, I throw her in the back of the explorer and away we go......... Luckily she had not been bit (the vet checked her out and kept her for a little while to evaluate her), and she hadn't gotten bit because a few months earlier we had sod put in our yard, and if anyone knows about sod, it has a backing to it (green netting, looks like plastic chicken wire basically), well the snake was tangled up under that and wasn't able to reach her!!! :faint:
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Ick! I would freak out! I HATE snakes, but unfortunately had my own encounter with one very unfriendly rattlesnake in San Diego!!! :( I went home for lunch one day to let our Boxer girl, Candy, outside to relieve herself. We had a small "backyard" that was fenced in, so I let her out to go about her business and I turn my back to her to water some plants on the patio...... next think I hear is that god-awful rattle noise and the noise they make when they strike!!!! I turn around and yell at Candy to get over here (she came immediately), well I had no idea if she had been bit or not, she didn't yelp or anything, so off we flew to the vet, I throw her in the back of the explorer and away we go......... Luckily she had not been bit (the vet checked her out and kept her for a little while to evaluate her), and she hadn't gotten bit because a few months earlier we had sod put in our yard, and if anyone knows about sod, it has a backing to it (green netting, looks like plastic chicken wire basically), well the snake was tangled up under that and wasn't able to reach her!!! :faint:

OMG.... you win!!
Damn snakes!! Pardon my French (no pun intended), but I H A T E snakes...... did I mention I hate snakes!!! :nopenot:
I was a wreck just reading your posting. LOL
Seriously, snakes scare the life out if me; I guess it's the unknown.
Glad no one was hurt.
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Damn snakes!! Pardon my French (no pun intended), but I H A T E snakes...... did I mention I hate snakes!!! :nopenot:

I was a wreck just reading your posting. LOL
Seriously, snakes scare the life out if me; I guess it's the unknown.
Glad no one was hurt.

right there with you all..... I am a city girl through and through.... damn SNAKES.... hate, hate, hate them!
I am laughing at your snake episode.....I can picture myself doing the country ho-down with ya!
Well at least he didn't get bit by it, must have been a non-poisonous snake, but scary all the same. Glad he and you are OK. :)
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Well at least he didn't get bit by it, must have been a non-poisonous snake, but scary all the same. Glad he and you are OK. :)

Lewis took pictures... It is totally harmless, but still a freakin snake. :shout:
I think it is safe to assume 90% of people HATE snakes... including me! We don't see many around our yard... Not sure if that has anything to do with our cat that is a pretty avid hunter... But I am thankful I don't ever see any around us... Plus we don't have any poisonous snakes thank God!...
Now Toads are a whole different story... we have them by the dozens?? Ha maybe because there aren't any snakes?? My dogs tend to ignore the toads luckily. Marg seems interested in them, but then her puppy attention span brings her to something different two seconds later :)
Oh my goodness! I don't know what I would have done! Today Mayhem had a cricket in his mouth and my neighbors must have thought I was crazy! I was freaking out yelling " ewww! No! No! Mayhem No!" As he's proudly showing it off to Lexi, my Boxer. Snakes....NO WAY!
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Oh my goodness! I don't know what I would have done! Today Mayhem had a cricket in his mouth and my neighbors must have thought I was crazy! I was freaking out yelling " ewww! No! No! Mayhem No!" As he's proudly showing it off to Lexi, my Boxer. Snakes....NO WAY!

Ha - you are in PA with me.... snakes are around some where.... :shout:

I think it is safe to assume 90% of people HATE snakes... including me! We don't see many around our yard... Not sure if that has anything to do with our cat that is a pretty avid hunter... But I am thankful I don't ever see any around us... Plus we don't have any poisonous snakes thank God!...
Now Toads are a whole different story... we have them by the dozens?? Ha maybe because there aren't any snakes?? My dogs tend to ignore the toads luckily. Marg seems interested in them, but then her puppy attention span brings her to something different two seconds later :)

where do you live? :D
I am in upper Michigan :) I think the worst kind of snake we have is a big pine snake! Yuck!

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I grew up on a lake & back in the day, we would be gone the whole day looking for turtles, crawddads & such :) We often saw blue racers & water moccasins. Fun times :p
[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] I live in Fredericksburg Pa. Nice and quiet :)
I'm about 30-45 minutes away from Harrisburg.
Where in Pa are you?
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[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] I live in Fredericksburg Pa. Nice and quiet :)
I'm about 30-45 minutes away from Harrisburg.
Where in Pa are you?

I am about an hour from Harrisburg... Just above Valley Forge, little town---Gilbertsville

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[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] I live in Fredericksburg Pa. Nice and quiet :)
I'm about 30-45 minutes away from Harrisburg.
Where in Pa are you?

I am about an hour from Harrisburg... Just above Valley Forge, little town---Gilbertsville