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Apr 23, 2024
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Hi I'm new here,,so my 2 year old boy is usually in good Health,He's never been a very greedy dog and can sometimes skip a meal but will always eat,So maybe around 2 weeks ago I notices his little eyes were a bit red and runny I sorted his eyes but the past week or so I've noticed he's not eating hardly at all .He looks a bit swollen around his cheeks and seems like he's having a hard time chewing almost like his jaw is closed and when he's eating small amounts he's raising his head to help get it down.I took him to the vet yesterday as he seemed like he was struggling a bit and when he got in the car he was sick like froth,he's been back today and been prescribed antibiotics and some paracetamol as he had a slight temperature I'm really concerned as the vet is a bit unsure what is wrong and mentioned sedation to investigate better but obviously that comes with serious risks and I don't want to lose him. He seems much more settled at the minute but I'm still concerned about his eating as he looks like he's lost weight(he has always been quite a chunky little dog) he is drinking and I've bought some wet food instead of his usual kibble as he was struggling and he can lick the wet food.Has anyone experienced anything similar I'm so worried
I assume the vet checked inside his mouth for any issues?
Hi the vet tried to open his mouth but he was getting very anxious and been sick so she couldn't look properly they have given antibiotics but now said it may be an auto immune problem and need steroids
I would also think something in jaw or mouth since his face is swollen… maybe a second opinion from a different vet?
Hi he has been prescribed steroids which he could now be on for maybe 6 mths.His mouth is now opening and he has put weight back on but its a matter of finding the right tapering dose so he can be steroid free but it needs to be done slowly so it doesn't cause a relapse
Hi he has been prescribed steroids which he could now be on for maybe 6 mths.His mouth is now opening and he has put weight back on but its a matter of finding the right tapering dose so he can be steroid free but it needs to be done slowly so it doesn't cause a relapse
Sending healing prayers your way! My almost 4 year male frenchie was just diagnosed 3 weeks with Granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME), which is an autoimmune/inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. He is also on steroids daily and getting chemo every 3 weeks.
Sending healing prayers your way! My almost 4 year male frenchie was just diagnosed 3 weeks with Granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME), which is an autoimmune/inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. He is also on steroids daily and getting chemo every 3 weeks.
Why is chemo being used? Is GME causing cancers/tumors? I haven’t heard of chemo being used for this disease for why I’m asking. What is his symptoms of GME? So sad as your pup is young.
Why is chemo being used? Is GME causing cancers/tumors? I haven’t heard of chemo being used for this disease for why I’m asking. What is his symptoms of GME? So sad as your pup is young.
In GME cases they are use a combo of cytarabine (4 injections over 2 days every 3-4 weeks) along with steroids to suppress the immune system and lower the inflammation, basically trying to kill off the T cells that are attacking his brain and hopefully push him into remission. It started with some very minor head swaying back and forth, then he was walking sideways (like a drunk walk), then back end weakness which progressed into complete paralysis of his hind legs. I took him to the vet when he started walking funny and had some weakness, the vet did X-rays and told me it was a grade II luxating patella and to see an orthopedic surgeon. He went downhill fast in the week we waited to see the surgeon and by that time we figured it was not his knee at all. By the time we got him to the neurologist, the swelling in his brain was so bad it was pressing on his spinal cord which is what caused him not to be able to walk, have a severe head tilt, and doing what is called "gator rolls". They did an aggressive 24 IV chemo treatment and within 4 days he was up walking very gingerly. We are now on our 2nd chemo tx and adjusting steroid doses since he is making very good progress. Praying he can go into remission soon.
In GME cases they are use a combo of cytarabine (4 injections over 2 days every 3-4 weeks) along with steroids to suppress the immune system and lower the inflammation, basically trying to kill off the T cells that are attacking his brain and hopefully push him into remission. It started with some very minor head swaying back and forth, then he was walking sideways (like a drunk walk), then back end weakness which progressed into complete paralysis of his hind legs. I took him to the vet when he started walking funny and had some weakness, the vet did X-rays and told me it was a grade II luxating patella and to see an orthopedic surgeon. He went downhill fast in the week we waited to see the surgeon and by that time we figured it was not his knee at all. By the time we got him to the neurologist, the swelling in his brain was so bad it was pressing on his spinal cord which is what caused him not to be able to walk, have a severe head tilt, and doing what is called "gator rolls". They did an aggressive 24 IV chemo treatment and within 4 days he was up walking very gingerly. We are now on our 2nd chemo tx and adjusting steroid doses since he is making very good progress. Praying he can go into remission soon.

Poor pup! I hope he goes into remission soon
In GME cases they are use a combo of cytarabine (4 injections over 2 days every 3-4 weeks) along with steroids to suppress the immune system and lower the inflammation, basically trying to kill off the T cells that are attacking his brain and hopefully push him into remission. It started with some very minor head swaying back and forth, then he was walking sideways (like a drunk walk), then back end weakness which progressed into complete paralysis of his hind legs. I took him to the vet when he started walking funny and had some weakness, the vet did X-rays and told me it was a grade II luxating patella and to see an orthopedic surgeon. He went downhill fast in the week we waited to see the surgeon and by that time we figured it was not his knee at all. By the time we got him to the neurologist, the swelling in his brain was so bad it was pressing on his spinal cord which is what caused him not to be able to walk, have a severe head tilt, and doing what is called "gator rolls". They did an aggressive 24 IV chemo treatment and within 4 days he was up walking very gingerly. We are now on our 2nd chemo tx and adjusting steroid doses since he is making very good progress. Praying he can go into remission soon.
What an ordeal for you all. Healing prayers for your baby. Being he is on chemo… be sure to support his liver with milk thistle and maybe look into Turkey tail mushrooms for immune system support