An busy week over here...


May 12, 2018
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What a week we've had over here. Started with Miss Daphne FINALLY getting to the toad she has been stalking in the evenings for like, a month. While I was picking up her poo, she had somehow either licked it, or managed to actually get the toad in her mouth for a brief moment before it hopped away and she hacked and coughed and then proceeded to foam at the mouth for several minutes. I got her in the house and we washed her mouth out with warm water and kept a close eye on her. She did not have any other issues that evening, but it was a bit scary!

The other day, I couldn't be home at her usual evening feeding, so husband had to do it. I'm assuming all went okay, except for the fact that he forgot to take out the patty to thaw for next day's feeding, so fast forward to me waking up the following morning and going in the fridge at 5 am to find I have nothing to give Daphne :(
I ended up having no choice but to give her some of Sox's kibble with some dehydrated raw on it. She ate it, but was a little more pink than usual.

Today we went to the vet with both Daphne and Sox in tow, for their annual exams and vaccines. Sox got a glowing review and was a big doofy good boy during the vaccine and prodding portion. Daphne....not so much. She COMPLETELY wigged out, it took them several attempts to vaccinate her. She was not a happy girl. I am happy to report that her ears looked clear, teeth great, eyes gunk-free, skin pretty good (a little pink) but otherwise soft with no fur missing or hives. Then the dreaded question...."what are you feeding her...??" I was promised that this new vet I chose would not be against raw feeding, and they were okay with it, thankfully. They said her weight was ideal and to keep it on the low side because she has two bad knees (I cannot remember the official term at the moment, but that's the gist). The vet encouraged me to start giving her a supplement but if she has allergies, she said glucosamine may not be the best route. So now I have that to research what to give her.

I asked about a Cytopoint injection and was told they don't offer those as a first treatment. They always do Apoquel first. She said Cytopoint is only for chronic allergy sufferers. I thought I may have read some negative reviews about Apoquel on here somewhere previously. Her armpits are quite pink and she does lick her paws sometimes but it isn't constant. Should I just leave it alone?

Over all, both my doggies had a good check up today. And this new vet office was good which was a relief. Hope everyone is having a nice Tuesday :)
I have resorted to the Cytopoint shot, but I would only do it (or Apoquel) if you felt it was really necessary. They screw with the immune system and just suppress the symptoms, rather than address the underlying cause.

Is Daphne scratching at her underarms? If so, maybe try putting a shirt on her. For some reason, Gus doesn't try scratching if he's wearing a shirt. Even if she still scratches some, at least the shirt would provide a bit of a buffer.

What were you vaccinating her for? I know I'm more on the natural side than most here, but I opted out of boosters for Gus and just had the vet run titers. They were quite expensive, but I was just too lazy to have them draw the blood and just send it off myself, which would have been in the 50-60 range for Parvo and Distemper, I believe. She almost certainly has immunity already and wouldn't need "boosters." I just don't think it's a good idea to over vaccinate animals, especially ones that already have allergy issues.

As far as forgetting to defrost, you can always stick the patty in some warm water and try to partially thaw it, or some people would just feed it frozen. Personally, I feel it would be better to have a meal late or skip it, rather than give her your other dog's food.

It does sound like you've had a busy week. Congrats to Daphne for finally getting that pesky toad. I'm sure it was a scary experience for you though. Glad she is ok. :heart:

edit: love your new profile pic, btw :)
I have resorted to the Cytopoint shot, but I would only do it (or Apoquel) if you felt it was really necessary. They screw with the immune system and just suppress the symptoms, rather than address the underlying cause.

Is Daphne scratching at her underarms? If so, maybe try putting a shirt on her. For some reason, Gus doesn't try scratching if he's wearing a shirt. Even if she still scratches some, at least the shirt would provide a bit of a buffer.

What were you vaccinating her for? I know I'm more on the natural side than most here, but I opted out of boosters for Gus and just had the vet run titers. They were quite expensive, but I was just too lazy to have them draw the blood and just send it off myself, which would have been in the 50-60 range for Parvo and Distemper, I believe. She almost certainly has immunity already and wouldn't need "boosters." I just don't think it's a good idea to over vaccinate animals, especially ones that already have allergy issues.

As far as forgetting to defrost, you can always stick the patty in some warm water and try to partially thaw it, or some people would just feed it frozen. Personally, I feel it would be better to have a meal late or skip it, rather than give her your other dog's food.

It does sound like you've had a busy week. Congrats to Daphne for finally getting that pesky toad. I'm sure it was a scary experience for you though. Glad she is ok. :heart:

edit: love your new profile pic, btw :)

Hi there,
Yes such a busy week that I can't even use proper grammar in my thread title! Ugh! :p

Daphne does NOT scratch under her arms. They are just really pink right now. Vet was slightly concerned, hence the Apoquel speech. I declined anything for now since it really is not even every day that she licks paws, etc...hardly ever scratches. Girlfriend is just pink.

Sox and Daph had to be brought up to date on some vaccines (DHLPP, Lyme, Lepto) and needed a fecal and heartworm test as well. Sox needed rabies too. My husband has a heart attack enough as it is at these big expensive appointments - he'd never go for titer testing. My former cat developed vaccine induced sarcoma in his scapula and right leg and they both had to be removed, so I do worry about this happening with my dogs. I may bring it up in the future and research the cost more.

I was wondering the other morning if I could microwave the patty a bit - didn't even think about the warm water or just giving her frozen. Thanks for the tip!

Yeah, the toad thing was not cool! Glad nothing happened, though.

Thanks for the kind words about her new photo - I bought the cutest collar and flower set because I'm tired of everyone thinking she's a boy! Haha
Very busy indeed!

Toad .... LOL LOL... Cheli's nickname is 'toad hunter'.... he is obsessed, as am I, LOVE toad!!! he has caught a few and will foam for about 15-30 minutes. As long as it is an American toad (fowler), he is fine, the foam is caused by the toad peeing as a defense and it works, they pee, Cheli spits them out and the toad hops away. LOL LOL

Cyotopoint.... hogwash! I wouldn't get upset or demanding, but if her allergies get worse or you feel she would need relief, just tell them you prefer going with the shot and not the pills due to the side effects of Apoquel .. you want to do the Cyotpoint. Our vet (two different ones in the office, in fact) never even mentioned us using it and went right to Cytopoint because it has no side effects.
Interesting about the reason for the foaming!! I never knew that. Lol

I have never tried Apoquel and the vet gave the dogs Cytopoint. I think it was due to their age though, as Apoquel hasn't tested on puppies. I'd still say try to continue to get to the bottom of the licking and pink first. All drugs have side effects. Cytopoint is fairly new, so IDK how much testing has been done. Certainly nothing really long term.
I love toads, too! It would be disgusting if they actually ate them (and probably dangerous)! I would freak out, though, if I saw Bambi foaming at the mouth.

Ginger freaks out at the vet - anything other than a pet, and believe me, she can tell the difference. She won't even tolerate light palpitation. She gets so vicious that they have to virtually put her out to do anything. Have never been able to take blood, unless she is out, or give her shots. It upsets me so bad that I don't take her, John does. I can't stand to see them upset in any way. Bambi is so good, on the other hand. She fusses about having her nails cut, but it is mild in comparison.

So glad the babies got a clean bill of health!
That is so interesting about the toad's defense system!!

I had to work tonight and there was some down time. I researched Apoquel and am thoroughly afraid of it. And of course the same website freaked me out about vaccines. I've always vaccinated all my pets when they were due. Do many of you do the titers or skip certain vaccines? It's so hard to know what to do!
After the vaccinations at 16 weeks there's no reason to give another vaccination besides rabies vaccinations which are mandatory. Just do titre tests once when the vet wants to do the next vaccination, which you just did, and then maybe every 3-5 years.

Unless allergies are bad, continue to only give the frozen raw,which can be give frozen,and no medications besides cetirizine antihistamine. I like to microwave water and mix it with the meat which is cold from being in the fridge 24 hr. If the allergies are bad and causing dog to stay up all night licking paws, or ear infections, then consider the Cytopoint or Apoquel. If you do need them, Cytopoint has less side effects but if it doesn't work, you may have to consider Apoquel.
Jax has horrible allergies, allergic to everything green outside. He was on Apoquel for years because without it, he was scratching himself raw. We switched to Cytopoint maybe a year or so ago and have had excellent results. And yes, everything has side effects so do your research and decide what you can live with. Every medication humans take have potential side effects but sometimes we need them (blood pressure, thyroid, etc.). Sometimes you gotta do, what you gotta do. Since Daphne isn't always scratching and licking, you are probably fine for now.

I do vaccinate my dogs and I will continue to vaccinate my dogs and have never had any issues. Both of mine had their core puppy shots, their 1 year shots and now it's every 3 years. To each their own.
I do truly believe that vaccines wreak havoc on the immune system, as do all these other toxic chemicals that we constantly assult our pets with. My goal is to do as little as I can and learn as much as I can so I'm at the very least making an informed choice.

As far as vaccinations go, with Gus I did the combo puppy shots, and then titered when he was "due" for boosters. He showed antibodies for all three that were tested Parvo/Distemper/Rabies. Most states won't accept a titer for rabies at this point in time. Some states will allow exemptions with a letter from your vet. Some ppl just do rabies every three years to stay compliant and some just quietly drop out of the system.

If I wanted to vaccinate a new puppy I would not do the combo shots. I would do well timed single antigen shots. ONLY parvo and a few weeks later ONLY distemper and much later down the line rabies.

There are ways to build immunity naturally, but you are well past that point with your current dogs. I really see no reason to continue to vaccinate animals that are already likely to be immune. I believe over vaccination can lead to allergy issues and cancer.

Personally, I opt out of Lepto because it's one of the more dangerous vaccines and don't give the one for kennel cough either, but, like all of this, you need to do what you are comfortable doing. HOWEVER, I do encourage people to do their own research, so at least they are making an informed choice. Most people, and me included in the past, just do it because the vet says it's time and don't even question because we've been taught that is what good owners do.
Jax has horrible allergies, allergic to everything green outside. He was on Apoquel for years because without it, he was scratching himself raw. We switched to Cytopoint maybe a year or so ago and have had excellent results. And yes, everything has side effects so do your research and decide what you can live with. Every medication humans take have potential side effects but sometimes we need them (blood pressure, thyroid, etc.). Sometimes you gotta do, what you gotta do. Since Daphne isn't always scratching and licking, you are probably fine for now.

I do vaccinate my dogs and I will continue to vaccinate my dogs and have never had any issues. Both of mine had their core puppy shots, their 1 year shots and now it's every 3 years. To each their own.

Yeah, I hate having to take a med myself, but do so when necessary!

I'm going to leave it alone as far as Daphne goes and just be thankful she is only an occasional "itcher." If she gets any worse, the first thing I'll try is bovine colostrum. I've heard some good things about how it boosts immunity.

- - - Updated - - -

I do truly believe that vaccines wreak havoc on the immune system, as do all these other toxic chemicals that we constantly assult our pets with. My goal is to do as little as I can and learn as much as I can so I'm at the very least making an informed choice.

As far as vaccinations go, with Gus I did the combo puppy shots, and then titered when he was "due" for boosters. He showed antibodies for all three that were tested Parvo/Distemper/Rabies. Most states won't accept a titer for rabies at this point in time. Some states will allow exemptions with a letter from your vet. Some ppl just do rabies every three years to stay compliant and some just quietly drop out of the system.

If I wanted to vaccinate a new puppy I would not do the combo shots. I would do well timed single antigen shots. ONLY parvo and a few weeks later ONLY distemper and much later down the line rabies.

There are ways to build immunity naturally, but you are well past that point with your current dogs. I really see no reason to continue to vaccinate animals that are already likely to be immune. I believe over vaccination can lead to allergy issues and cancer.

Personally, I opt out of Lepto because it's one of the more dangerous vaccines and don't give the one for kennel cough either, but, like all of this, you need to do what you are comfortable doing. HOWEVER, I do encourage people to do their own research, so at least they are making an informed choice. Most people, and me included in the past, just do it because the vet says it's time and don't even question because we've been taught that is what good owners do.

Thanks for all this info! I would have to do a lot more reading up on this subject, but have the next three years to do so ;-)