Diva bit my neighbor today!


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Apr 15, 2013
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Warning, long post!

Okay so first a little back story of Diva: We adopted her February 2012, she had just turned 4 at the time. We adopted her from Tennessee and she was only used for breeding. When we brought her to our vet a few days after adopting her she said she was underweight and all of her teeth were shaved down due to living in a cage, most likely from chewing on the wires. She clearly wasn't socialized or loved but she took to the family right away. That being said, she has gotten worse with strangers over the past year and a half, she is our little guard dog who has gotten more territorial as she has been here longer. She is so loving and fun with us, but once someone rings the doorbell or comes in the house she runs at them barking, but NEVER did we imagine that she would ever bite someone! Now, just last week Diva attacked our 10 year old female English Bulldog, Princess, and Princess ended up biting Diva back on her ear that required us to take Diva to the vet just incase it was infected (Princess NEVER starts any fights with her, but she does defend herself when Diva has attacked her. Since adopting Princess last January they have gotten in 4 bad fights but are fine 99% of the time). The bite really wasn't too bad but I always would rather be safe than sorry. So today while we were in the yard letting them go to the bathroom, my neighbor walked over (like he does all the time) and Diva ran at him barking (like she does all the time) but this time she bit his leg! It wasn't a horrible bite, but it was still a bite that drew blood. We have know this neighbor forever and are good friends with him so he was only worried about rabies which we told him she was up to date on all of her shots. We now are going to keep her on a leash at all times while she is outside and if we know that someone is coming over she will be on a leash at all times. I honestly don't think I am going to trust people petting her on walks at this point, even though I think she would only do it in the house or in the yard because it's her territory, but I just don't want to risk her biting another person, especially someone we don't know. I'm just so frustrated, she is so loving and fun around the family and I just wish she was like that with everyone. Thanks for reading this long post!

Anyone have any ideas or training tricks that may help with this behavior?
Back to basices with her, Melissa. she needs to know her place --- Nothing in Life is Free!!

also, any chance she is not feeling well.. pain or sick? Or could someone on the pack be ill? Sometimes sudden 'aggression' is a way of protection when their is a weakness
Back to basices with her, Melissa. she needs to know her place --- Nothing in Life is Free!!

also, any chance she is not feeling well.. pain or sick? Or could someone on the pack be ill? Sometimes sudden 'aggression' is a way of protection when their is a weakness
I agree. The Diva is trying to take over. You may need to call in a trainer or behaviorist to help.
Back to basices with her, Melissa. she needs to know her place --- Nothing in Life is Free!!

also, any chance she is not feeling well.. pain or sick? Or could someone on the pack be ill? Sometimes sudden 'aggression' is a way of protection when their is a weakness

Actually Princess is still currently on heartworm treatment so she isn't herself, she's been on her treatment now for about 2 months. Do you think this could be part of her sudden aggression, does she sense Princess isn't her self? She has always been nervous around new people but eventually always warms up to them, and she has met my neighbor thousands of times. This was just so out of the blue for her to actually bite someone. [MENTION=10]Alice Kable[/MENTION] I think I might have to bring some outside help in if I see she is still acting like this when people come to the house.
Actually Princess is still currently on heartworm treatment so she isn't herself, she's been on her treatment now for about 2 months. Do you think this could be part of her sudden aggression, does she sense Princess isn't her self? She has always been nervous around new people but eventually always warms up to them, and she has met my neighbor thousands of times. This was just so out of the blue for her to actually bite someone. [MENTION=10]Alice Kable[/MENTION] I think I might have to bring some outside help in if I see she is still acting like this when people come to the house.

I forgot about Princess being sick.... yes, this would cause Diva to protect since princess is not herself and 'weak'. Get Diva back in line and let her know you got it covered. Keep her on leash if you are more comfortable that way as she will sense you are nervous which gives her more reason to 'protect'.
I forgot about Princess being sick.... yes, this would cause Diva to protect since princess is not herself and 'weak'. Get Diva back in line and let her know you got it covered. Keep her on leash if you are more comfortable that way as she will sense you are nervous which gives her more reason to 'protect'.

Excellent advice. Sorry this happened. :(

How's your neighbor today?

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
I would definitely keep her on a leash when outside, and when she barks at someone, firmly tug on the leash to the side or bump her lightly on the rump to snap her out of it and tell her NO, then make her sit. Keep doing this and she will figure out this is not accepted. You also have some good advice above.
[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] [MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION] thanks for the advice! I will definitely be working with her a lot! [MENTION=1]bullmama[/MENTION] he is doing fine, the bite really wasn't too bad but enough to cause a little bit of blood. I'm just so thankful that we have a very good relationship with them, this really could have turned into an even worse situation than it already is!
It sure could have been ugly! Please keep us posted on her progress. I cannot believe that sweet little girl would hurt a fly!
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I agree, back to basics.