Poor Louie!!!

I Love Louie

New member
Oct 13, 2013
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I had Louie at the vet today and he has Mange!!! The vet is treating him with invermectin and an antibiotic. He probably has to take this medicine for 9 months. This is our first time owning frenchie is this an indicator that he is going to have lots of issues? Anyone with experience on this subjecf? My poor baby!!!
If it is Demodex mange then I wouldn't worry too much. Demodex is a mite that lives on a dogs skin and sometimes when a dogs immune system is compromised (usually due to stress) that mite takes over and causes patches of hair loss. Ivermectin is the main treatment and the antibiotic was probably added due to some sort of skin infection associated with it. I will say 9 months sounds really long to be on the medication, unless that's an indication of severity.....hair loss on a large part of the body vs smaller patches, but most Demodex clears up nicely and isn't a problem long term. If it's sarcoptic.....then that's another story.
I definitely don't think mange is an indicator that he is going to have health issues later on. Correct me if I am wrong but mange is not something hereditary or a trait of the breed, it is contracted from other dogs or areas? I have personally never dealt with mange with my animals, but since I work closely with our animal shelter I do see cases quite often in all types of breeds. [MENTION=272]pbois[/MENTION] great advice, if it is demodex mange it is usually quickly treatable, but sarcoptic can be a lot more difficult to deal with :(
Good luck, and I am sure with proper care it will clear up quickly...
I hear of lots of dogs that have/get mange. I don't think it means your baby will be unhealthy by any means. Sometimes it's just one of those things that happens. I'm sure Louie probably won't even notice anything is amiss :)
Mites/mange are present in all dogs, but if their immune system is compromised ( many times due to stress or illness) they can take over. So yes, this could be an indicator that you may have more problems.... but it can also happen to the healthiest of pets. It does take several months to clear up usually so patience is key.

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Sounds like you've got some good advice! We haven't had mange here, so no experience with it!
Mange is no fun, but everyone here is right. PAtience and realizing that you have taken the right steps to get him healthy helps. Would love to know what type it is so we can offer more advise.
Actually it is demodicosis (red mange! Which the vet said is not contagious it isn't the sarcoptic mange. Thanks so much for all the advice. Makes me feel better!!!!
Since it is Demodicosis, it shouldn't take that long to get rid of, so I wouldn't stress over it. Give him some yogurt once a day and some NeVet Plus wouldn't hurt. this will help strengthen his immune system and help get rid of the mange.
No experience here, but others haven given good advice.... hope he heals up real quick
Poor little fellow. Just a side note, ivermectin when given with comfortis (flea pill) is causing seizures and death in dogs. I have seen it once recently in a Lab. Just thought I would mention that in case. :)
I've never dealt with this, poor little bully. It sounds like he's in good hands. Babetty and I wish him a speedy recovery!
Fred had mange and my vet gave him a steroid and antibiotic. He was doing great with everything and then on his last day of the steroid he developed pancreatitis. I wasn't home so I couldn't take him back to his normal vet. They ran tests on him and found out that the steroid had a bad effect and that's what caused the pancreatitis. So just be careful. I have the name of the steroid but don't have it right now with me. If you would like to know which one it is I can look it up in my paperwork. It cost me over 2000.00 dollars to get him back to normal. I'm still in the process of changing his diet. I can't wait until my baby is completely back to himself. It was a very scary experience because I've never had a dog with mange. Also the vet told me the reason fred developed mange is because Fred's immune system isn't very strong. I've been giving him vitamins every day and the mange has cleared up.

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Oh yes please tell me what steroid? And what vitamins do you give your baby?

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A steroid will weaken the immune system. We never give steroid to dogs with mange because it can make it worse. I've never heard of a steroid given to a dog with mange.

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Actually Louie isn't on a steroid he is on ivermectin. He seems to be doing fine on it so far.

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Hi, my 6 month old puppy was just diagnosed with demodicosis and was put on the same medicine your pup did. Since your original post is over 2 years old I was hoping you can let me know what your experience was with the treatment and if your dog is doing better now? Any advise you can give me?
