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Shoulder and knee sprain help


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Dec 26, 2013
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Well my poor Hotchkiss jumped off the couch and landed wrong. I took him to the vet and they said he sprained his left shoulder and knee. They put him on dasuguin and carpaquin. I have to limit his activity and bring him in next week to see how he is doing. Has anyone had the same issue and what else can I do for him? He is still limping two days after the incident but not as bad.
Oh no poor pup. Sorry no advice re- Frenchies but I did have a foster pup that decided to jump over the stair gate (terrier!) and she had a similar injury they gave her painkillers for 7 days, lots of rest and they put leg in a soft waterproof cast. Took her about 8-9 days to stop limping and put full weight on it.
No experience with doggy sprains, but I had a cat with a broken leg (hit by car). I'm thinking lots of quiet time with something good to chew on! Heal fast Hotchkiss!
Norm got kicked when he was just a couple months old. He couldn't not put any weight on his back leg. It really freaked me out so I called the emergency vet, since he was still in pretty good spirits we decided to wait to bring him in until the next day. I had a cool pad that he laid on for the night. (I'm still not sure how I was able to get him to lay still all night) The vet said the cool mat was probably the best thing I could do that night for him. They gave him pain killers and told me to keep him off that leg as much as possible. I hated to do it but I kept him crated as much as I could after a week or so he was back to normal.
Poor Hotchkiss! I always hate when Jax is in his crazy mood and jumps off the couch. He had injured his shoulder before during play with an older, bigger Frenchie but it was sprained, just strained and inflamed. He limped for a couple days and if he had run around or played too much for weeks after, the limp would come back. The vet gave him pain meds but I can't remember the name. It will be hard but just try to limit his activity as much as possible.
I've been keeping him tethered so he can't go far but my other dog Sidney is always going over to lay with him which makes him jump all around. I've had to crate him most of the day because he just won't stop jumping around :(. I feel so bad for him. I should have known better then to let him on the couch after the first time he hurt himself jumping off. It's not that my couch is high but I have hardwood floors so he slips when he hits the ground.
Oh my.... These frenchies think they can fly I swear! That is why I love the nickname "flying bat pig" which is exactly what Marg looks like.... I have had the same fear of her hurting herself because she loves to leap out of my arms and off of the couch. Definitely going to try and make her be more careful now seeing what injuries Hotchkiss had.... Good luck keeping him calm and quiet... I am sure that is the most difficult part about an injury with a frenchie puppy!
He seems a little better today but still limping. He's a champ with taking his meds though, he doesn't give me a whole lot of trouble. It's been a pain trying to keep him calm. I've had to crate him most of the day because when I tether him he starts bouncing all around. He's such a bonehead :/
Gidget jumps off of everything... couch, chairs, our deck steps, our bed. I am going to really need to be careful with the puppies! They are going to see big sister doing it and follow right along. We are already laughing that Olivia is a 'mini-me' of Gidget. She already tries to jump up on a chair. A flying leap from 2 feet away. Which usually ends up in a face plant against the chair. I have my work cut out for me. As far as this string, I would go with crating.
I noticed todY when I pick him up to take him outside I can feel a popping in his shoulder. He is hardly limping now but that popping feeling really has me worried.
1013716_10151792336505876_1997246400_n.webpI took Hotchkiss back to the vet for his follow up and everything checked out fine. I'm so happy!
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