to neuter or not to neuter


New member
Dec 18, 2018
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Im the proud owner of a 4 month old named Frankie. (I got him when he was 2 months) he can be an absolute freak! especially when he see's a potential "friend". Constantly nipping at toe's and jumping all over the new person. He can often get this way with me as well, and its almost impossible to break him out of this mode...even if I hold him on the ground in a dominant manner. Once I let him up he's back at it.
Which brings me my quandry. My vet believes That I should have him neutered at 6 months. I feel that its cruel to take away any animals "man-hood", especially at such a young age. any thoughts?

If you are not planning to breed him it makes sense to neuter him; it is great if you can wait until he is at least a year old but if he is behaving aggressively, snipping those boys off will settle him down.
I am pro neuter if you are not breeding or showing. It is best to wait as close to a year old as possible.
Agree... neuter but waiting till at the very least 8 months

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The behavior he is doing is normal for a pup, they love to play and bite at toes. I would definitely have him neutered, but I would wait until he is at least 18 months of age. They need the sex hormones to develop correctly. This is the age our Frenchie vet recommends to have the procedure done.
I'm of the opinion that you are not doing anything to harm his "manhood." Neutering has health AND behavioral benefits. I agree that waiting until at least a year is ideal; however, if aggressive behaviors surface like I experienced in my current Boxer where he was nipping and lunging at our faces, the vet recommended not waiting and I had it done at 6 months. As a result, he is taller than a Boxer should be, but other than that, he is friendly, active, and extremely healthy.
thanks everyone,,,I appreciate the advice