

Aug 21, 2013
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Wow, Leo has learned quickly how to make Mommy feel bad for leaving him. :( He has mastered the guilt trip! Whenever he wants something from me he puts his little paws on my leg and looks up at me! Well, now he does this when I leave for work and am putting on my shoes, but now he has mastered the sad eyes and laid back ears!!! UGH! Pull at my heartstrings much!?!?!?!!

Oh, my, Leo is wondering if there is a chance he could go to work with you! He promises to behave!

Buster chewed the ribbing on the sleeve of his good hoodie last night. He has chew toys in his crate. GRRRRRRRR.
[MENTION=10]Alice Kable[/MENTION] I wish he could go to work with me, but my boss already said, sorry, but no. :(

Naughty chewers! Leo's is a bit long in the sleeves, so they have to be rolled up, but I have to say, he has not shown to be much of a destroyer of toys, sweaters, bedding, etc..... just a little pee-er!

However, I have to say (know on wood), since I downsized his crate he has not peed in it since! YAAAA...... he does however, get me up at 5am to go outside :( Oh well, he's worth it! :)
[MENTION=193]winginit66[/MENTION] he was pretty good at it this morning! I felt terrible!! I might have to add a little sister or brother! I see that the breeder we got him from just a litter of 4 babies (4 brindles and a fawn)..... :)
Oh those puppy dog eyes! I'm so glad I am not the last one to leave in the morning (my son is), but every morning I tell him "I wish I could stay home with you EVERY day."
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] that is exactly what Leo needs, a best friend, buddy forever. That is the best thing you can do for Leo. Boy or girl?

Buster's sleeves really aren't too long, he is just such a chewer. I should have named him Chewy.
Bella does the same thing, which is funny since I stay at home. She is super attached to her Mommy. I left for five days over Thanksgiving and she stayed with my sister and ever since when I am home she is in my lap, across my lap and when I get up to go to something or get ready to leave she whines at me and paws me. I think she is afraid I will leave her again for days! She even stares at me when I am blow drying my hair Bc she has learned when I do that I am leaving soon! Frenchies hate being alone!

~ Loving life with our Frenchie
[MENTION=10]Alice Kable[/MENTION] I wish he could go to work with me, but my boss already said, sorry, but no. :(

Naughty chewers! Leo's is a bit long in the sleeves, so they have to be rolled up, but I have to say, he has not shown to be much of a destroyer of toys, sweaters, bedding, etc..... just a little pee-er!

However, I have to say (know on wood), since I downsized his crate he has not peed in it since! YAAAA...... he does however, get me up at 5am to go outside :( Oh well, he's worth it! :)
[MENTION=193]winginit66[/MENTION] he was pretty good at it this morning! I felt terrible!! I might have to add a little sister or brother! I see that the breeder we got him from just a litter of 4 babies (4 brindles and a fawn)..... :)
Depending on what time we go to bed, my dogs always get me up at least once during the middle of the night.. Usually between 3-4am... Ha so i always have to stumble out like a zombie to let them out.
I also hate leaving my little girl when ever I leave. I swear I could stay home and sit and play and cuddle with her all day...
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] - A brother or sister is a fabulous idea!!!

I do believe that we are going to have 2 new additions to our house!!! EEEEEEEEEEE That was our plan with Gump's litter, but there were only 3. There is another litter with only 2 with a friend of our breeder (born yesterday) and we have first chance at the female. I think it's a done deal. I'm thinking that Mike and I are going to be these 2 old people with about 25 Frenchies running around. Will send you pics!!!
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] - A brother or sister is a fabulous idea!!!

I do believe that we are going to have 2 new additions to our house!!! EEEEEEEEEEE That was our plan with Gump's litter, but there were only 3. There is another litter with only 2 with a friend of our breeder (born yesterday) and we have first chance at the female. I think it's a done deal. I'm thinking that Mike and I are going to be these 2 old people with about 25 Frenchies running around. Will send you pics!!!

2 more??? OH BOY!! puppy pictures!
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] --- I think I see another in your future too - just sayin' :whistle:
yes, I did.... i think she is going to get one. :giggle:

Maybe maybe..... My breeder also has 2 older girls (still puppies) that are available. One is a fawn and one is a brindle. The brindle girl I met when we picked up Leo and she happens to be Leo's granddaughter! :)

Maybe maybe..... My breeder also has 2 older girls (still puppies) that are available. One is a fawn and one is a brindle. The brindle girl I met when we picked up Leo and she happens to be Leo's granddaughter! :)


OMG she is gorgeous! love her!
2 more??? OH BOY!! puppy pictures!

[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] --- I think I see another in your future too - just sayin' :whistle:

Oh most definately, even though I can't get a straight answer out of the hubby, but he doesn't say "no", hehehe......

This breed is all new to me, but I have to say I am completely taken by them! Leo has been the most amazing guy and the cuddliest little baby ever!! I can't get over how attached he is to me and how much he loves to cuddle!! I did NOT want to get out of bed this morning because he was so snuggled into my neck and sleeping away (although I was afraid to lift the covers because of his "perfume", LOL)...... He is so amazing! :havemyheart:
Oh that one is adorable!!!! Love love love the little snip right up her head. She would make a good sister - ok that's weird since she's his grandaughter - but whatever... tell hubby that's what you want for next x Christmases...